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We are passionate about data, reporting and customers.

About Us

We love data. We love analysis. We love reporting
So it was very natural for us to build our own reporting tool. ReportITE began as a the ultimate reporting tool
that was required as part of AdTechium's suite of technologies. Advertising is one of the most analysis driven industries with the most data to analyze.

So, we knew it was important that we had the best reporting tool for our customers. But, then something wonderful happened. We realized that many amazing customers from other industries also need our tool.
So, we carved it out as a completely separate product and we are so glad to be able to offer it to you.
"We will get to know you and make sure you are happy
and find out what your needs are and help you reach them.
Sometimes that means we'll help you out with a little
configuration or point you to a cool feature of excel or some other third party product."

One important thing
to note is that each
customer is special.